Dani Karlsson Said, She Was Scolded By Julia Morley....Why?...Read On....

NOTE: The Swedish journalist left out a huge chunk of the information and the actual words of Dani.

Thank God Miss World is Over!

Sunday, October 31, 2010 @ 18:29

Now I am in Beijing along with St. Kitts! We have taken into the hotel together and will sleep here until tomorrow morning. I'm so fucking hung-over after having had a fucking hefty drinking after party with Shayne [Ward] and his bodyguard Tuesday night.

I vomited three times this morning before the plane took off and looked like seven difficult years when we arrived at the airport where the media was waiting for me. I panicked, dropped the glasses in the soil as they broke. Quickly replace them again and crossed the peloton by flashing cameras when I suddenly discover that the glass in one eye is taken and only my one eye is camouflaged. What a sight it must have been. I die when I just think about it.

Oh well, I can’t look like a princess every day.

Being a good person is not about elegance, crystals, to eat properly or to have the best smile. It's not about wearing a "purity ring" for the world to see that it is "clean" or give the most expensive gift for the organizer. It's about what you do in silence.

I was unfounded of all coming right from the start. Maybe because I do not smiled much (found no reason to smile) brought me a glass of wine now and then, when we really ought to pretend to drink again, and also actually complained when I thought it was warranted. Julia Morley, the owner of the Miss World scolded me out after the notes for all participants during rehearsals. After I defended a girl of only 18 who started to cry when the choreographer had behaved badly towards her. I was crooked and went directly to Julia to ask her to talk to their employees to correct.

She yelled at me that I should stop complaining and go and sit down: Stop defending other people and worry about yourself! You're a trouble maker!

Excuse me, but my mom has not brought me up to sit in a corner all day, pinch shut up and just look cute. I defend her how best I want to f**k if I see her get hurt studied for people to look at.

What a fucking joke. On the final evening, I threw all of my clothes, pulled out three pair of false eyelashes, stole two bottles of wine and had imitate party in the pool where I "treated" myself from all the bullshit I have been soiled by the last month. Thank God it's over!

*source: taken from missosology.http://missosology.info/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=60521

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