Miss Macau, Miss China, Miss Hong Kong

October 5 is the "world the United States and China Love" 2010 60th Miss World finals in Beijing last day of special events, all the contestants the day scenic tour of the Mutianyu Great Wall and the Bird's Nest National Stadium. October 6, contestants will travel to Inner Mongolia Erdos continue their parade.
In the day during the tour, Miss China, Hong Kong Miss Macau Pageant Miss three sat together inside the National Stadium to watch the National Day performances. Macau, China, Miss Wu Jiayi told reporters that he was born in Foshan, in Hou Kong Middle School High School, and visited the Great graduation, college student at Jinan University studying journalism and communication major, is currently broadcast television show host in Macau. She said that different again as the Great Wall and feel very different, very excited.

   Miss Hong Kong, China resembles Stefanie

Miss Zhang and Hong Kong, China Chaozhou, Guangdong native, currently studying at City University of Hong Kong, China had only been to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chaozhou and other cities, this is her first visit to Beijing. Activities in a few days, many people said the Miss Hong Kong is deeply impressive, and the face resembles an air of well-known singer Stefanie Sun, the reporter when asked if anyone mentioned this, Ms Cheung said the shy friend had indeed said so.


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