Controversial statements from THE NEW MISS UNIVERSE 2010 About GAY.

Miss Universe 2010, Jimena Navarrete, endorsed marriage between same sex, believing that homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals.

"I agree. I think we have to learn to respect because they are people just like us, there is no difference and I think it is fair to discriminate against someone because the sex you prefer," he said.

In an interview broadcast on W Radio, the Guadalajara native who accuse the critics complained that his victory in the beauty contest was arranged to give pleasure to Mexico by the Bicentennial celebrations.

"We always have to look for something if he had won any other country would seek any political problem, any event that's happening in that country.

"This is 100 percent legal and there is nothing in between, I can tell you no me or my mom bought me the contest, neither me nor anyone managed payment because I was here."

Meanwhile, the beauty queen also felt that in the 2012 presidential election does not matter whether candidates are men or women if they meet their commitments.

"The important thing is to have the qualities, whether male or female, and they know they have to work for the country and the people."

He admitted that his victory in the competition will not fix the situation being experienced by the country, although it is good news.

La surprise their idols

Jimena Navarrete there was no happiness and surprise when I saw on your Twitter XimenaNR (already changed Therealmissu) congratulations singers he admires, such as Alejandro Fernandez, Enrique Iglesias, Alejandro Sanz and even Ricky Martin.

"It's amazing how social networks. I am a big fan of the Alexanders, Ricky. When I saw Ricky and he congratulated me that my name was a 'trending topic', I do not think so.

"What I want is to see that I'm a girl determined to get ahead at work and doing their best. Enrique said I was beautiful ... Well, he is a guapote!" Said Jimena.

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