10 couples caught naked daily on Terengganu beaches.

KUALA TERENGGANU: As many as 10 couples are caught daily by anti-vice volunteers along the Tok Jembal and Teluk Ketapang beaches, which are increasingly becoming favourite haunts for sexual trysts.
Many of them are said to be students from institutes of higher learning.
A volunteer, who requested anonymity, said most of the couples were caught “doing it” behind coconut trees, rocks, inside cars and even openly on the beaches.
“For non-Muslim couples, we could only advise them on the sensitivity of their action to the locals but Muslims caught will be produced before the Syariah Court,” he said.
He said anti-vice officers would go to places identified as “hot spots” to catch the culprits in the act.
“We listen for sounds of heavy breathing and kissing.
“We then move in and aim our torchlights on the couples. In most cases, they are caught naked.”
The officer said the procedure was to wait awhile before approaching the couples so as to get evidence for prosecution purposes.
“I have daughters and I feel sorry for the parents of these couples,” he said, adding that the youngsters had betrayed the trust of their folk who hoped their children would excel in their education.
The 48-year-old volunteer, who claimed to have caught 1,200 couples on the beaches since signing up as a volunteer in 2004, said he had had enough.
“I cannot take it any longer and am thinking of giving up this work. I have decided that enough is enough after six years as a volunteer,” he said.
Terengganu state executive councillor Rozi Mamat said he had received reports that “dozens of young couples” had been spotted in compromising positions at both the beaches.
“I have received numerous complaints from nearby villagers about immoral behaviour,” he said.
Rozi, newly-appointed as the state Youth and Sports committee chairman, said: “These activities could lead to moral decay among our youths if we keep mum on the matter.”
To address the situation, Rozi plans to suggest to the state government to light up both beaches and intensify patrols at “hot” areas.

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