Ratu Cantik/Miss Malaysia Universe 1967 Finalists. Very Old Photo.

Ade peluang lg ke nak jumpa finalis-finalis yg di bawah ni?..ntah2, mereka pun xnak dikenali anymore, jgn la begitu miss, ramai peminat u all yg nak tahu perkembangan terkini tau....
dari kiri:, Angeline Leong (Miss Sabah), Yim Chee Moi (Miss Perak), Winifred Edema (Miss Selangor), Ramlah Alang (Miss Terengganu), Margaret Yeo (Miss Pahang), Maznah Mohd Ali (Miss Johor), Mongkam Suprasom (Miss Kedah).

Ratu Cantik Kedah dan Ratu Cantik Perlis/Universe 1975.

Miss Kedah: Susie Ong, 17 tahun, ukuran badan: (35-24-35!). even zaman sekarang pun susah nk cr org bdn perfect mcm ni cik kiah oi!.....

Miss Perlis: Suzana Eliza, 18 tahun. ukuran: 35-24-35!..ini pun ukuran badan yg amat perfect!..

1st runner up: Monna Hassan, 17 tahun
2nd runners up: Audrey Wong, 20 tahun.

Ratu Cantik Brunei 1961/1962 Menyertai Ratu Cantik Malaysia/Dunia 1963. Very Old Article

Zaman sekarang ni langsung tidak kedengaran ada ke tidak pertandingan Miss Brunei atau apa-apa ratu cantik dari Brunei. Adakah pihak berkuasa di sana mengharamkan terus pertandingan ratu cantik?. Yang lebih menarik, pemenang Miss Malaysia World 1963 adalah Catherine Loh dari Brunei!.

Miss Universe 1969-Asian Queens. Very Old Photo.

Paling depan: Miss Singapore-Mavis Young
atas tangga dari atas: Miss Hong Kong-Christine Mei Mei Lam, Miss Korea, Miss Malaysia-Rosemary Wan,  Miss Ceylon(Sri Lanka), Miss Guam, Miss Philippines-Gloria Diaz, Miss Japan.

Miss France 2011 Scandal. Latest Hot News.

Miss France tak habis2 ngan scandal. start dr zaman 2001 yang mengaitkan Elodie Gossuin sebagai pondan,

 hinggalah kepada Valerie Bague yg mana gambar beliau yg sgt kontroversi tersebar sehingga disingkir dari mewakili France ke Miss Universe 2008. Terbaru, Miss France 2011 Laury Thilleman pula dikaitkan dgn scandal mangatakan beliau lesbian apabila gambar beliau mencium seorang wanita tua di sebuah kelab mlm tersebar.

Oleh kerana pelbagai masalah teknikal serta perbalahan pendapat, tahun 2011 menyaksikan 3 ratu cantik Perancis telah dipilih oleh 3 organisasi berlainan. Masing2 mendakwa adalah Miss France yg terulung. Adalah diharapkan, ratu kesayangan rakyat Malaysia Deborah Henry tidak akan terlibat dalam apa2 scandal yg boleh menggugat imej bersih beliau selama ini. tpi saya yakin, Deborah Henry adalah seorang gadis yang baik dan pandai menjaga diri, lagi pun, beliau tinggal dekat dgn keluarga di Malaysia. x la risau sgt kitorang sebagai peminat.

Francisca Warastuti-Queen of The Pacific 1975. Old Newspaper Article.

She could be 60 years old by now. Is she still lives in Indonesia?....much love!..from Malaysia.-PAGEANTIsland.


-memang menderita sangat coz I antara yg paling awal dpt tahu deborah win tetapi x blh bg tau sesiapa. from 2pm-8pm, I diarahkan xleh twitter/fb/sms/email atau yg sewaktu dgn nye. kena zip mulut. too many sms n fone calls so i terpaksa tutup je telepon, habis cerita.

- tp kwn yg sorang ni lg la dh tahu hampir 3 ke 4 hari lbh awal. dia ckp, "aku lg mcm nk mati simpan rahsia ni u ol!!!!". siap ade yg marah2, "kite kan kwn baik cium molot!..ngan aku pown ko nk berahsia?!!!!..hello "friend", aku dh janji ngan ck Andrea xleh buka mulut okay!...ko nak aku msk jail?!....

-kwn I yg sorang ni mmg kwn baik deborah, dia lg pening kepala, subuh lg org dh call tanya sapa win!..ade yg nk try trick him kata,"ok la u xnak bg tau...just jawab, D or C..beliau yg br bangun tido masih amai2 ni jwb blk, la...xde makne nye D ke..C ke...jawapan aku Z!...ha..langsung xde dlm senarai..haha.

-semasa press conference tertutup tu, ade la sorang wartawan dari satu media ni yg x pernah pun saya dgr nama media tu. ok, sy berasal dari Hulu Selangor tapi saya rasa wartawan ni mayb ofis dia berasal dari super Hulu somewhere. Soalan yg dia bagi pada deborah so memalukan. Soalan dia berbunyi begini, "to Deborah, who are you actually and what do u do?, serta ada soalan lain yg x perlu la saya nyatakan kt cni. He was sooooooo out of this world kerana langsung x tau pasal Deborah. I mean, kt KL ni siapa yg x tau Deborah kan...haiz...nk dtg majlis grand, tp langsung xnak buat homework!. Kesian Deborah terpaksa explain dr awal about herself serta apa yg dia buat currently and so on....masa wartawan tu tanya, I dng my friend terbeliak n terlopong mulut dgr soalan bengong beliau nih...haha

-klu nk tau, sebenarnye ade 2 events, tp kebanyakan org cuma tahu yg kul 7pm tu je. Sebenarnye pihak media termasuk sy dipanggil ke press conference tertutup pada 2pm hari yg sama, hanya ade lbh kurang 25 orang je. Pd majlis tu Deborah telah diperkenalkan lebih awal kepada kitorang sebagai pemenang. dapat tangkap gambar lebih awal n yg best, dpt tangkap gambar Debby n Nadine outdoor.

-yg kelakarnye, semasa foto session outdoor tu, bangunan sebelah tgh construction, so abang2 Bangla n Indonesians yg repair atap semua berdiri dan stop buat kerja!..hahaha..I cuma takut diorang jatuh dr atas atap tu je...haha

-lps songlap juadah yg ade, my new found friend Kenji berbesar hati belanja minum kat the Garden Coffee Bean. gosip sana, gosip sini, n after that he was soooo kind bwk I pergi ke Spa. I ni prak skit 1st time masuk spa.."APEHAL LAK PANAS SEMACAM SPA NIH?..berpeluh mak!.." Turned out to be, it's a termal spa. Tp Spa ECOPARADISE kt the Garden ni very special,staf kt situ genuinely friendly n lps hbs spa, mereka bg minum enzym lg. really refreshing! I really enjoy it. thx Kenji the mysterious!!..love u ol!..

-hbs spa @ 8.20pm, terus pegi ke kelab Smoke&Fire tu lg. ah!..kali ni baru ramai org..jumpe ler kwn2 n ratu2 lain yg lbh awal sampai. time tu, mostly dh tau sapa win already..hhmm..good la...tp ade sorang lady ni, dtg ke? xnak dtg, dtg ke?, xnak dtg, wei!..nk dtg, dtg je la...byk cengkadak le kau!....

-ofcoz terserempak ngan KEE HUA CHEE, msia's queen of fur! aka Diva of colors!.. dia br blk dr Philippines, Miss World Press Conference there. also jumpa Maggie Loo (mmu73), tp nk cari Datin Josephine, Andrea kata, datin dh balik da....ok lah datin, next time tangkap gambar w u k. :)

-kul 10.30pm, apa lagi, balik umah, jlnkan operasi MEMPROPA kt internet mcm biasa..haha

-pepehal pun, thx to Andrea again for saving Malaysia from exploding/meletop tak tentu pasal, good choice!.. to ARCIS COMMUNICATIONS, mr Stephen, ck I-Mae, u guys rock!..congratulations on holding a very well organized event like this!..wish the whole team would do well in future.

Miss World 2007, The Dynasty of Super Queens.

Ada Aime De La Cruz-Miss Universe 2009 1st runner up.

Yendi Philips-Miss Universe 2010 1st runner up.

Would Deborah Henry following the good luck of the other two of her fellow Miss World 2007 competitors? I just can't wait for September to come!.

Terjumpa Previtha Thiagarajah-Miss Malaysia/Queen of The Year 1995.

 I terserempak ngan beliau semasa menghadiri Miss World Gala Dinner kat MAEPS Serdang 22 Januari, minggu lepas. Time tu dia dlm perjalanan nk keluar dewan. Kebetulan pulak meja I sebelah "runway" celebriti lalu, so sempat "roadblock" ratu ni sekejap.

 OMG!, she's soooo friendly, after all these years tp still maintain lawa ye, sentiasa riang dan suka tersenyum dan sgt menghargai peminat yg masih mengenali beliau.

Previtha kelihatan sgt bergaya dgn cocktail dress rona biru ini serta kasut tumit tinggi yg hebat!. Lihatlah beliau bergaya dengan penuh bersahaja untuk kamera saya. Semoga berjumpa lagi ye ck Previtha yg cantik bergaya lawa serta peramah dan baik hati.....amboi, pjg pulak penghabisan ayat I nih..haha..

*tq kpd Hafiz cutecarry.com kerana tlg tangkap pic ni ye...love u ol!... :)


Date: January 27, 2011-Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Venue: Smoke and Fire Variety Club, the Gardens Mall, Mid Valley.

  • She is the second woman after Trincy Low Ee Bing with double Miss Malaysia Universe and Miss Malaysia World crowns.
  • She personifies all the of the values and attribute of a Miss Universe. This includes professionalism, intelligence, strong work ethic, talent, grace and beauty.
  • She was born in Dublin, Ireland and grew up in Kuala Lumpur. Started her modelling career at 15 and this very strong athlete in school and university also holds a bachelor degree in Political Science and Economics from the University of Queensland, Australia.
  • after her reign had ended as Miss Malaysia World 2007, she's been very active in promoting charity activities under World Visions that took her to even the secluded Myanmar to help the needy there. On home front, sheruns SKEF, an education center for Somali refugee children. She has been with them as English teacher and also a trainer.
  • Her winning packages are RM50,000 cash, the use of office facilities in Mont Kiara worth RM50,000, a dental smile enhancement package from mydentist worth RM20,000, Farah Khan dresses worth RM20,000, Suhara Jewellery worth RM15,000, a year's supply make up from Max Factor and a year's worth of hair services from A Cut Above.

Ratu Cantik Perak/Malaya/Universe 1963. Top 3 Winners.

Winner: Maria Pon, 
Asal: Taiping, 
Umur:18 tahun
 tinggi: 5'5",
 ukuran badan: 34-22-35! (OMG!..Venezuela's standard!).

1st runner up: Anna Ong, 21 tahun.
2nd runners up: Ho Lee, 18 tahun.

Maria Pon adalah gadis Malaya berketurunan Thai. Beliau dilahirkan di Thailand tetapi bersekolah di Sekolah Methodist Taiping. Beliau tinggal di sini kerana keluarga beliau berkhidmat di Hospital Tentera British Taiping.

Maria telah mewakili Perak ke pertandingan Ratu Universe Malaya 1963 pada 18 Mei, 1963. Tidak ada rekod dijumpai untuk pertandingan Ratu Universe Malaya 1963 tetapi pertandingan itu telah dimenangi oleh Nik Azizah Nik Yahya dari Kelantan. Walau bagaimanapun, Nik Azizah tidak menyertai Ratu Cantik Universe yg telah berlangsung di Long Beach, Florida, USA pada Julai 1963.

Pinay is 2011 Ford Supermodel of the World.

MANILA, Philippines – A 17-year-old catwalk newbie from the Philippines won the 2011 Supermodel of the World contest in New York City, the first time that the country won the prestigious model search.
(Photo by BJ Pascual/ ryujishiomitsu.com and fordsupermodeloftheworld Web site)
Danica Flores Magpantay, a student of Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines (UP), won a US$250,000 contract from the Eileen Ford Modeling Agency. It is believed be the fashion industry’s biggest prize for a model search.
Magpantay stands 5’9” and weighs 109 lbs.
First runner-up was Lithuania, whose representative won a US$150,000 modeling contract while second runner-up, Poland, took home US$100,000. Representatives from Brazil and Poland rounded up the Top 5.
Observers said that modeling runs in the blood of Magpantay with her mother, Lala Flores, now a professional make-up artist, also representing the Philippines in the same modeling contest 20 years ago.
Last year, the Philippines figured prominently in the model search when Chat Almarvez was adjudged first-runner up.
The first Filipino to join the international modeling search was 1979 Miss International Melanie Marquez who finished as one of the semi-finalists.
The contest, which started in the 1980s as “Face of the 80s,’’ discovers new talent for the fashion industry.
In an interview posted by Adventures of a Beauty Queen, after she won the local model search last Oct. 31, 2010, Magpantay said that it was only last August when she decided she wanted to give modeling a try.
Magpantay said she told about her plans to her mother who agreed to her decision.
The newest Ford model said that her mother enrolled her at the Masters School for Models where she took courses on walking and posing, among others.
After Magpantay graduated from the modeling school, her mentors urged her to join the Philippine search for the representative to the Supermodel of the World contest.
In the local search, Danica’s sister, Danielle, also joined the same contest. In the end, Danica won while her sister finished eighth.
Prior to the contest, their mother had advised them not to expect anything from the contest. She said that the two sisters should be thankful that they were given the chance to join the model search.
Pogs Magpantay, a registered nurse and dad of the model sisters, has encouraged his daughters to shine as models. His friends have labeled him as model makers with three models running in the family circle.
Danica said that she trains hard at the gym. Her biggest dream is to become one of the top models for Victoria’s Secret.

Wanted: Barrio lass as Miss World.

MANILA, Philippines – For the first time, the Philippines will bid to host the Miss World beauty pageant in 2013, Cory Quirino, president of the Miss Philippines World franchise, said Wednesday.
Quirino also said that the Miss World Limited (MWL), headed by its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Julia Morley has vowed to help the Philippines through fund-raising events as she instructed her “to find a poor, barrio lass” who has the chance to become the next Miss World.
Asked about expectations under the “Cory administration,” “I will find her,” said Quirino, a tri-media personality and wellness expert. “I will also be hands-on in choosing our representative for the next Miss World contest later this year.”
Quirino issued the statement after Morley awarded her the exclusive licensee agreement of Miss World Philippines at a ceremony in Makati City last Tuesday.
Miss World is believed to be the longest-running international beauty pageant. But for 60 years, the country has not won the title. The highest rank the country has achieved was first runner-up won by Evangeline Pascual in 1973.
“I want to tell them that being poor is not a hindrance to success. That’s why we will encourage the poorest of the poor to join our pageant,” Quirino added.
Quirino also said that Morley and her party and Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim have discussed plans for the possible holding of the beauty pageant in Manila. Morley was also accompanied by Miss World Ltd. Events Director Stephen Douglas and Consultant to Miss World-Asia Paul Lee.
“It will be a big responsibility and we will need the help of the government and the private sector if plans will push through. Pero, ang balik naman nito sa atin ay malaki, lalo na para sa turismo ng ating bansa (But our goal is to boost tourism to the Philippines),” she said.
Morley, accompanied by 2010 Miss World Alexandria Mills of the USA and first runner-up Emma Wareus of Botswana, left the country Wednesday morning. But Quirino said that last Tuesday night, Morley promised to return to the country to help raise bigger funds for charity.
“Julia Morley will be back in August. She loves the Philippines, and she wants to help our country,” said Quirino, also chair of World-for-All Foundation.
Tuesday night, Quirino accompanied Morley and her party made special trips to the Ospital ng Makati in Makati City, Philippine General Hospital (PGH) on Taft Ave., Malate, Manila, and Tuloy Street Children’s Foundation in Alabang, Muntinlupa City.
“Julia and her party cried at the Tuloy Street Children’s Foundation. Even Miss World cried. They were touched by the reception of the children,” Quirino said. She added that the MWL has “adopted” two heart patients at the Ospital ng Makati.
The organization is celebrating its 60th year of “Beauty with a Purpose” and has raised more than $400 million in support of children’s charities across the globe since its inception.
At the luncheon ceremony, Mrs. Morley recalled the pageant’s history. Founded by her husband Eric Morley in 1951, the first Miss World pageant was welcomed by an audience greater than those in other international events such as the World Cup and the Olympic Games. At its peak, the show claimed an audience of 27.5 million in Britain alone.

Miss World 2010 and The Mayor Of Pune, India, Miss World Malaysia 2011 Press Conference, Jan 21, 2011.

all I can say, Miss World 2010 Alexandria Mills is just amazing and really fit the Miss World image.

Miss Universe Malaysia 2011 Winner's Theories.

Why Deborah could be the winner?

  • Most of her hardcore fans here in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines want her to win so badly.
  • She's the most beautiful queen ever came out from Malaysia.
  • The fact that her fellow competitors, Ada Aime and Miss Jamaica World had placed as 1st runner ups in Miss Universe 2009 and 2010, people have been making prediction she could be at least the 1st runner up again if not winning the crown.
  • The original date for Miss Universe Malaysia 2011 selection was in Feb. But since deborah will be in France in February, hence the ceremony will be done tomorrow Jan 27. Make sense?..my theory yo!.
  • She is after all, a worthy winner of Miss Universe!. simple!.
Why Thanuja Could be the winner?
  • She simply has all the qualities the international queens should have. (tall-smart-amazing body shape-sweet smile-friendly-easy to work with-and of course she is beautiful!)
  • She seems keeping quiet and zipping her mouth completely at these very interesting times, even though many people around her asking so many questions at her related to Miss Universe Malaysia.
Why Cassandra could be the winner?
  • While Miss Malaysia Universe fans hotly debating and guessing who would win, Cassie secretly had put a comment on her facebook, "would you still supporting me in whetever my next assignment could be?". this statement had enough spreading jitters among Deborah's fan that she she could have been contacted by MUMO to accept the winner's role!.
There are so many theories out there but the ultimate result could see Malaysia either exploded b an atomic bomb or a raging fans would marching their way to Istana Negara for Agong's  intervention...hahaha.
But 1 thing for sure, I malam ni macam x boleh tido je...huhuhu,neves u ol venes!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Universe Malaysia 2011 Related Announcement Date and Venue.

Nadine Ann Thomas, Miss Universe Malaysia 2010 is stepping aside as she passes on the torch to a new beauty queen this Jan 27, 2011.

On the official Facebook page: "Thank you to all our fans for making the Miss Universe Malaysia 2011 Online Voting such a success. We had a total of 3,801 votes cast, which is very impressive seeing that it was over only 4 days, with minimal advertising cost. You, the fans, will be the drive behind the success of MUM 2011, 2012 and the many years to come. Take care, Good night. Love, Andrea Fonseka."

Online voting is taking place on the Miss Universe Malaysia Official Facebook Page, voting closed on Sunday (23.01.11)

They were nominated by Malaysian fans, shortlisted by judges Andrea Fonseka, Hans Isaac and Yulia Dolmatova.

The official announcement will be made on the 27th at the Smoke and Fire Variety Club, 6th floor of Gardens Mall.