Preliminaries are coming up on August 19 at 7 pm Eastern Standard Time and can be viewed at and the finals are on August 23 so soon my final predictions will be posted but I'm going to do a quick run through of some thoughts I have of each delegate. These judgments are based on what I have seen so far through the photos on and some impressions from other pageant related boards and websites.

1. Albania - I'm really liking her. She's currently among my top 15. She appears to be strong in facial beauty and swimsuit and this gown is heavenly.

2. Angola - I don't see it happening for Angola this year. Her Fadil glamshot was on the odd side, almost as if she was saying, "I've fallen and I can't get up!"

3. Argentina - Earlier, I had considered her but her body particularly the hips aren't particularly up to standard.

4. Aruba - Well in 1996 (the last time Miss Universe was in Las Vegas), Aruba earned a 1st runner up but don't be looking for this year's delegate to make the semifinals.

5. Australia - She was one of the 6 delegates invited to participate in early press interviews and her national costume got some press attention as well so she is one to watch. She appears to be fizzling on many people but she is one that I'm questioning if she will either be in or out of my list either as a top 15 delegate or an alternate.

6. Bahamas - I don't quite think she's quite strong enough to become Bahamas' first semifinalist but she has potential to be a surprise because I've heard good things about her.

7. Belgium - Probably not. She could do it but she would be a surprise given that her gown isn't that great and body is just okay.

8. Bolivia - I think they'll pass on her. Again, her flared gown shot like last year's Bolivian delegate looked nice but it might just be an act of desperation.

9. Botswana - It's nice to see Botswana back. Their first participant in Miss Universe 1999 of course won the title but they haven't placed since then and I'm not expecting this year's delegate too either.

10. Brazil - I think they might pass on her. She looks decent but she isn't making many lists and she's currently not in mine either.

11. British Virgin Islands - She has a pretty face but she lacks the height which is normally the case for British Virgin Islands.

12. Canada - I'm tossing and turning on my country's delegate. She is the tallest contestant this year but her look isn't as consistent so I'm questioning whether to put her in my top 15 or as an alternate. I'm going to wait until preliminaries to decide.

13. China - Okay. Really China?? Really??? You are the most populated country in the world and you sending THIS to Miss Universe? This girl looks like she hasn't hit puberty yet! Very disappointing.

14. Colombia - This one I'm really struggling with. Something about her face just doesn't quite look right but her body and gown are good. I just don't know what to do with her. I think she may be among my alternates.

15. Costa Rica - She's not one to watch.

16. Croatia - She's in my list currently as I'm actually quite impressed with her. Face, body and gown are all looking very good so keep an eye on her. Croatia also did make a surprise entry last year so maybe this year's girl will continue the trend.

17. Curacao - She's okay but not making enough of an impact to me. I think they will pass on her.

18. Cyprus - Maybe. I'm not so sure about the face but I like what I've seen of the gown and the body is also quite decent so it might happen.

19. Czech Republic - I really love this girl. She has a lovely face and body and the gown is an eyecatcher. She is among my top 10 so far.

20. Denmark - She has a decent face but I'm not quite seeing it in terms of body and gown so she's also a big maybe.

21. Dominican Republic - Hmmm... This one's a real headscratcher for me. She's definitely more telegenic than photogenic but I just don't know what to do with her. Part of me says she's in after watching her close up and then I think she could also be taken out. She has a decent body as is to be expected from Dominican Republic delegates in recent years but currently she is bouncing in and out of my list.

22. Ecuador - Lady has a lovely face and I really want to give her a spot but I fear her body seems a little too tiny so she might be an honorable mention or just miss my list but we'll see if preliminaries will change that.

23. Egypt - She doesn't quite have the body but I appreciate that she's trying.

24. El Salvador - She's too short to make an impact so don't expect her to make it.

25. Finland - I don't see her doing much in this competition. Everything about her isn't quite there.

26. France - This one I don't quite get. Other people seem to love her so I think I might put her as an alternate but after watching her close up, she was way too quiet and came across as a bit shy and just not a contender to me so I'm not convinced. I just don't see it in the face. Her gown is nice though but I think that's about all I like of her. I'm waiting until preliminaries to decide what to do with her.

27. Georgia - I don't think so. I don't quite like her face but body and gown are an improvement from previous delegates from this country.

28. Germany - I don't expect this one to do much either.

29. Ghana - She has some nice headshots but I don't think she looks very sure of herself and her body isn't quite there either. I think she has the interview skills but it may not be enough.

30. Great Britain - I think she knows how to present but I don't think her overall look is quite there.

31. Greece - She also appears to know what she's doing but she's kind of in the middle for me.

32. Guam - No. They'll pass on her.

33. Guatemala - This one was apparently a replacement delegate for the girl who was originally supposed to go to Universe because the previous one broke her foot or something but I never expect much from Guatemala. She looks okay but doesn't have enough height to make an impact.

34. Guyana - I'm not expecting much from this year's delegate. Delegates from Guyana are usually in need of some serious training.

35. Haiti - Lots of things to consider here. She has an interesting story not only because she is representing a country that was severely devastated by a massive earthquake a few months ago but also because her mother who was preparing to paticipate in presidential elections was murdered so it's going to be hard to leave her out knowing these things but if she does make it, she will be a top 15 placement but not top 10.

36. Honduras - She looks okay but I don't see quite enough height or power in her so I don't think she'll make it.

37. Hungary - She's decent. Of course, in recent years with Hungary you never can tell! I am considering her though but she probably won't be in my list.

38. India - Like I stated earlier, India has a new director who is Sushmita Sen, Miss Universe 1994 but this year's delegate didn't have much time to prepare. I think India is out for a 3rd year in a row because I think this year's delegate just isn't that impressive but if for some odd reason she does make it, it will be because the Miss Universe Organization likes Sushmita and wants to encourage her as a new director.

39. Indonesia - Like most Indonesian delegates, she just does not have the body for this competition.

40. Ireland - She is one to watch. Ireland really seems to have stepped up its game and Rozanna was sent to Colombia for training. I currently have this girl among my top 10 in spite of her unusual swimsuit gown.

41. Israel - I don't see it happening. I'm just not convinced that she can do anything in this competition.

42. Italy - I think they'll pass on her. She looks okay sometimes and other times, I don't see it so she's not in my list currently.

43. Jamaica - She's a possibility. Face, body and gown are decent. I don't know if she can squeeze into the competition but I think I'm going to put her as an honorable mention.

44. Japan - Japanese delegates seem to have strong presentation skills in recent years and this year's delegate is also in my list but I'm not quite sure where to place her so I'll wait until preliminaries to determine for sure.

45. Kazakhstan - I think they'll pass on her. Nothing really stands out about her.

46. Korea - I don't see it happening this year for Korea.

47. Kosovo - Kosovo has been noticed in big ways since debuting in 2008 but I think this is their year to bow out because I don't see her making a lot of lists and she's currently not in mine.

48. Lebanon - Like in most years, Lebanon doesn't have the body or overall look for this competition.

49. Malaysia - This country could do with some training because I think the interest in the pageant is there but the investment in coaching for their delegates is necessary so this year's delegate also is not a contender.

50. Mauritius - This country is never among the major competitors and I don't expect that to change this year.

51. Mexico - She is currently in my top 5. Everything about her is strong and I know she will have loud supporters but I wonder now if the supporters will help or hurt her. This may determine if she actually gets into the top 5 or not.

52. Netherlands - She has the potential to be a surprise so it could happen but I'm a little unsure right now. I'll wait until preliminaries.

53. New Zealand - I'm not so sure about this one either. Some people seem to really like her but to me, she's just okay not particularly outstanding. She might be among my honorable mentions or not in my list at all but I'll have my eye on her during preliminaries.

54. Nicaragua - I think she's had decent training but I can see her being passed on.

55. Nigeria - She's not a contender to me.

56. Norway - I don't see much potential in this delegate either.

57. Panama - I'm sure she's prepared but I'm just not seeing it in this girl.

58. Paraguay - She seems nice and I think she looks decent but I also think she won't make enough of an impact to place.

59. Peru - Hmmm... Her gown is a bit gimmicky to me. Sure it will get her noticed but I'm not terribly impressed with face or body but I will wait until preliminaries to determine what to do with her.

60. Philippines - I have her in my top 5 right now. I think she's a strong competitor. I know she has superb presentation skills and her body and gown should carry her far.

61. Poland - I think the Polish girls normally have potential but could do with some better training/coaching. This year's delegate is not in my list.

62. Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico is always one to watch and this year's delegate is no exception. I have her in my top 10 currently.

63. Romania - Well, I like her. I think she's a find. I wonder if the gown is a bit of a ruse but I still think she is good enough and it just might be time for Romania to place so she will be in my list somewhere but I'm just debating on whether to place her in my top 15 or as an alternate but I will definitely be watching her during preliminaries. I believe Romania participated for the first time at Miss Universe 1991 which was also the first time Miss Universe was held in Las Vegas so I think this placement would work on many levels.

64. Russia - PLEASE CROWN THIS MAGNIFICENTLY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!!! It's no secret that I have adored Irina from the moment I first saw her picture and I think she was born to be Miss Universe. I'm sold on everything. She definitely has the face, the body, the gown and she also seems to have the charisma. Irina is easily my winner this year and I don't anything is going to change that. Go Irina!

65. Serbia - I'm not so sure about her. I think they will pass on her.

66. Singapore - Singapore is also not unusually in the running so I don't think this year's delegate will place.

67. Slovak Republic - She is also in my top 10 list currently. I'm impressed with her overall. Some people are comparing her to Puerto Rico saying that the two could pass as sisters.

68. Slovenia - I don't think she will place. I just don't see it happening.

69. South Africa - I'm unbelievably unsure about this one. She looks fair but South Africa normally excels in interview so she might be in my top 15 list currently but I'll wait until preliminaries to decide for sure.

70. Spain - Well her gown is divine and body is also looking good but I'm not sure about the face. This one is a serious question mark for me. Is she in or out?? I will wait until preliminaries to decide for her as well.

71. Sri Lanka - This one doesn't seem to be making any impact so they'll likely pass on her.

72. Sweden - I think Sweden might be in this year although she is fizzling a bit. I'm really liking what I see of her but I'm not exactly certain of how far she will go.

73. Switzerland - She does stand out so she could also be one to watch. I'm not quite sure about the body but she could be up there.

74. Tanzania - She doesn't have the body for this competition. I don't see it happening.

75. Thailand - She also doesn't have the body for this competition.

76. Trinidad & Tobago - she was one of the delegates who was willing to pose topless but I just don't consider her overall look to be strong enough but I'm sure she has the interview skills. She is not in my top 15 list right now but I know some others have her in their lists so we'll see what happens.

77. Turkey - She's not quite there but it looks like she's trying.

78. Ukraine - Maybe. Ukraine has become a country that you never can tell if she will be picked or not but I'm not terribly impressed with her so she's not in my list currently.

79. Uruguay - She's a decent girl and her gown is getting noticed but she will probably fizzle in comparison to the delegates around her.

80. USA - She will be in the competition because she is the host delegate but I think she will place as a top 10 finalist but go no higher.

81. US Virgin Islands - This country is usually never in the competition and I don't expect that to change this year.

82. Venezuela - I have her in my top 5 as it is normally where Venezuela belongs since we know that Venezuela has placed in the top 6 every year since 1991 except when they were excluded entirely in 2004 and 2006. What will happen with Marelisa? I don't think the threepeat will happen but it will be interesting to see where she actually ends up placing.

83. Zambia - She doesn't quite have the body so I'm not expecting them to place this year.

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