Datin Anna Lim, Write on cue every Sunday-by Sandeep Kumar Juneja

An author by profession, prominent socialite Datin Anna Lim finds Sundays are amongst her most creative days!

Author of Beauty and Beyond (2005) and recently launched Children: The Future of Tomorrow (2007), Datin Anna Lim the former Mrs. Malaysia/World 2004/05 and Miss Malaysia/Universe 1990 lives a hectic life as one of Kuala Lumpur’s prominent socialites. Sundays allow her to time out from her busy social calendar and her writing commitments for some personal reflection, creativity and relaxation as well as to be with her husband and two adorable children.

“Weekdays are just so filled with chores and things I need to do for the children, catching up with friends, social events and managing my publishing business that I hardly have time to myself to relax. Recently things have been even more hectic, what with my book launch. So really, for me Sundays are important. I unwind, take time out for myself and work a little towards conceptualising and planning sections of my next book and just have a little time to do whatever it is that I want to. Also, thankfully its’ the one day that I do not have to put on makeup and dress up,” confides Datin Anna.

Together with her husband, Dato Jeffrey Lim an ardent collector of classic Bentleys and Rolls Royces, the loving couple often take long drives outstation to relax, unwind and to enjoy the change of scenery. But for the greater part, the two are real foodies and often use this opportunity to enjoy some of the local specialities that the area they are visiting is known for. Sometimes the trips are planned around meal times and are destination specific: to restaurants known in their respective area for particular dishes or specialities.

“I like our drives down to Klang the most as I love freshly cooked seafood, also we often go to Kajang for the famous Satay there as its nearer and have even driven down as far as Malacca on occasion for the famous bak kut teh and to Ipoh for the its Ipoh Sar Hor Fun.

So as you can imagine food is especially important on Sundays as it's a family affair and as such fast food joints and quick meals are definitely out, in fact, when we are not going outstation our ritual is Sunday to have a leisurely morning followed by a light and relaxing lunch after which we get ready for a proper English afternoon tea at Carcosa,” Says Datin Anna, adding that “The scones are simply divine with homemade jam and Worcester cream. You won't find this anywhere else in Malaysia and recently I just can't get seem to get enough of them, it's simply the best way to relax and treat yourself after a fulfilling week.”

Sundays is also a time for Datin Anna to explore her creative interests, elaborating on this she adds “Until recently I was very busy with my latest book Children: The Future of Tomorrow a parenting guide for which I did extensive research and incorporated a host of interviews with Malaysian high society, corporate leaders and established diplomats and expatriates living here on their parenting tips and on their challenges in bring up their children who are featured alongside their parents. This is the first time such a book has been done; most other books that I looked to when I was having my children were downright boring and filled with dry facts. My aim was to reinvent the way such knowledge has traditionally been presented. Now I am using my Sunday evenings to peacefully conceptualise my next book which will be on the finest resorts in the world but again I want to approach it from a unique perspective.”

Another one of her Sunday projects is going to be the new family home very soon, a bungalow that is being refurbished to their taste. Having graduated as an Interior Designer from the Inchbald School of Interior Design in Chelsea, London; this is indeed a dream come true for Datin Anna. A project on its own, Anna is slowly going about detailing each room now that she has settled on a Mediterranean concept for the property. According to Datin Anna, it is cross between the east and west and speaks of romanticism with its charming old world appeal. Perfectly complimenting their lifestyle that reflects their taste for the finer things in life be it couture or Dato's collection of classic Bentleys and Rolls Royces.

Sunday mass at church is another corner stone in their lives. Dato Jeffrey, a devout Christian strongly believes in ensuring that the children are not only brought up right but also receive the correct religious guidance. So the family makes it a point to go to church at some point of time during the day for mass be it early in the morning or late in the evening when the last mass for the day is held. And what better way to put a week to rest.

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