Miss Tourism International 1994 Winners. Old Photo.

Photobucketmiss tourism international 1994 w the late Charlie See.

My Miss Malaysia World 2009 Audition Diary-August 28, 2009.(only the girls audition lah...not me,hahaha)

The early hot mega favourite of the competition Mourhrna, and ME!!!!
She's beautiful, she's witty, she's sassy, she's sexy and ready for the competition..game on babeh!......

The ever lovely Stephanie Chua and ME!!!!! (one of my top favourite).

The supermodel Tanuja and ME!!!!(one of my top favourite).

These 2 SEXY "ladies" also were up and ready for the audition..but...(pls scroll down for answer at the last note of my diary).

The big hair girl: Hi...I'm beautiful. pls vote for me ok..". the girl in red:"aik??!!adik siti nurhaliza pun boleh masuk ka..."

The girl in red:"kentut ar..?"...the big hair girl reply: "what?!".

This beautiful girl is the younger sister of Tanuja Anandhan.

Some of the candidates is waiting their turn for interview.

The girls exchanges points for the interview.

The host was interviewing a candidate.

This girl is very tall..measurement taken.

This girl has a very captivating eyes, and Bipasha Basu look a like. Her mother told me many people told her that too.

Stephanie Chua and her beautiful mother.

A girl who made it to the final round.

3 of the earliest girls to arrived..the 1 that standing there, I vote for her to win Miss Personality, she's so humble, cheerful, funny and well like by most people there.

the guy in red shirt was the host of the programme. a cute n handsome model from Hawaii.

The very beautiful queen aspirant from Penang Stefanie Chua.

I got an email from a pageant official on August 27 stated an invitation for me to do some video interview taping to be featured for the pageant. As promised, I reached the Sunway Hotel, the audition venue at about 9.45am. Got up to the 10th floor and saw about 5 girls already there. They were actually waiting their turn to be interviewed by about 3 judges comprising of top officials of the organising committee.

Some girls had their measurements taken and they were advised to wear black dress. There were 2 girls were accompanied by their parents. Then I sat next to a very pretty lady in jeans and naturally I said:"hi...r u here 4 d audition 2?"...she replied:"no!...i'm here 2 support my daughter..". i told u, the lady was so natural n beautiful I seriously thought she's there to audition,hahahha..."HOT MAMA".

I was told to wait while the crew had been doing their production job. At the mean time, I took time to know all the girls there and chatted about the whole thing about pageants and their expectation. The best part is GOSSIPing ofcoz...Some were super nervous and talked non stop to express released their anxiety. I told u, the aircond was damn cold and most of the girls just wore tank top!..giggled..shivering...all of them..u name it. Me? dry lips and watery eyes.

More girls started arriving by 12pm. Most of them really tall, some skinny girls but overall..beautiful. Then BOOOMMM!. A plum+short+overweight+blue mascara+red hot dress+funny hair style drop by. She really had this "I don't care what u think about me" attitude u know. Grab a form..and sit at a corner quietly, after few minutes, she even removed her shawl and WOW! she went.."strapless". she's so *&^%$#@ nobody wanted to talk to her, but the cute host guy talk to her la 4 a while...a pageant coordinator even had a gut asking her if she wanted a hair cut!...I dare not requesting her that,sure kena baling dengan kasut later..

Most of us just stare at each other in disbelief wether she lost her mind!? or just plain stupid....whatever. The host even interviewed her....ask her name...then most her reply were in a very confident and bitchy style and manner like:
-i'm here to compete for the Miss Malaysia title.
-I believe I'm better than other girls who are so skinny...woa! I tell u, she dared to talk like
that loudly in front of everyone.
Nobody including me dare to near her as she looked sooo bitchy..not even smile.macam mau makan orang.

Despite 5 hours! waiting for my turn for the taping...time flew really fast. Then came a really friendly+tall(1.80cm)+big hair girl+really model type Tanuja Anandhan. Other girls started became more nervous. Then Chantelle Chuah came..she's a very experienced beauty queen and suddenly a super hot girl turn up from nowhere made every1 there whispered 2 each other...who's that model look+sooo damn hot beautiful+make me wanna go home early. She's Mourhrna, a very statuesque model but very down to earth, friendly. I guess she heard some1 in the crowd complementing her or maybe just wanted to avoid bumping to a lady who headed in her direction then BAM!!!...she langgar (hit) a huge table in front of her..hahaha..hello miss..lesen L ka.....hahaha.

The waiting game was very long but from time to time we heard music from inside the hall. some girls were ask to dance or catwalk or sing+ answer some very difficult questions. Friendship was built amongst us and we really had good time gossipping. after my interview taping was done...chatting a bit more..exchange name cards...at 4pm..I left the place with really nice and different experience.

There will be some suprises in store from this competition for the Malaysian public to see...I can't wait for the final outcome of this programme. On air soon.

Pageant Audition Tidbits:
1) A blond, sexy, mega catwalk trans queen suddenly showed up for the audition...not 1 but 2 trans queens (but I didn't hv time taking pic w "her" s I'm on d way bck already)..only to be told...LADIES ONLY OK..........

But d 1st lady was called into the hall n did her stuff but later came out crying "aww...don't put camera on my face! I Imagining if the judges were to asking "her" to angkat (lift) "her" kain la kan...ahaks! mega bucks kena saman.....the best part...she cried but still CATWALK sejibik like Naomi Campbell, very the drama queen..hahaha..kellass kau nyah...u go girl!....